Swamp rabbit station Swamp Rabbit
core beliefs

Who We Are


UGATA’s mission is to rapidly expand and improve the greenways and trails network of Upstate South Carolina through an alliance of partners and by using public-private partnerships.

Our vision


For Upstate South Carolina to have the most expansive network of multi-use trails and greenways in the United States


Partner. Advocate. Build.

Upstate Greenways
& Trails Alliance

Join the Alliance

Upstate Greenways and Trails Alliance draws its power from the collective voice of Upstate citizens and businesses who all believe in a connected and more expansive network of trails and greenways.  Advocating with our diverse and large alliance shows our elected officials and community leaders that growing and connecting the network of trails is a common desire for residents of the Upstate.

It’s free and easy to join!

Donate to UGATA

Expanding trails and greenways in the Upstate can cost $50 a foot to $500,000 a mile.

Your financial assistance helps!